
Fresnel 2 by kolor [web]

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                                      _)_/   /    /   //_//   /    /   /   _/   /
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                                      /__\____/______\ __\___\ _______\ ____\____/
                                      - -diP--------------------------------dTR- -
                                               fresnel2 by kolor ( final )
                                                    the party 2000
                                            p3 500 & tnt 2 & dsound & opengl     


	this is the final version of the intro. we added support for several strange things,
	that's why its bigger than 64k.
	p3 and better will be able to run the isse-version for more speed.
	if its not working properly try to disable the opengl extensions.


	- this intro is pure raytracing
	- we shoot about 10k primary rays per frame
	- opengl is used only to rasterize the quadtree (about 30k polygons)
	- a 3dsmax export/import combo is used to create the scenes
	- the textures are all painted by hand and than compressed with our wavelet codec
	- the samples are synthesized or packed with our softsynth
	- released at tp2k


	- code: noize, shiva, fontex
	- music: kritix, storm
	- graphics/3d/design: noize
	- help with cylinders and boxes: quartz 
	- our man at tp: poti
	- upx/farbrausch mod: exepacker
	- minifmod by firelight multimedia
	- testing: krizz, pigpen, yoda, diver, storm, lord chaos, trojan


	www.kaoz.org/kolor ( RELAUNCHED !!!!!!!! )